Whistle Pig Ins and Outs
Teams consisting of one to four individuals will attempt to find as many checkpoints as possible within the 6-hour time limit. Routes are not predetermined; participants will use the maps provided to navigate from checkpoint to checkpoint. Teams do not have to secure all checkpoints to finish the race. Teams will be scored by the number and value of checkpoints acquired and their overall time.
Proceeds will benefit the Beartooth Recreational Trails Association, a 501(c)3 with a mission to support non-motorized trails in Red Lodge and along the Beartooth Front.
The Whistle Pig is part of the Rocky Mountain Adventure Race Series and United States Adventure Race Association (USARA). Our insurance requires that each participant be a member of USARA by either purchasing a day pass or a season pass. If you are already a members, awesome! If not, you may either purchase the pass ahead of time on the USARA website or as a part of the race registration. Each person on the team will need to register for the race individually, pay the USARA fee ($35 annual or $8 day plus processing fees) and sign a waiver. Please only register one person at a time (even though RunSignUp will let you register multiple people), so you don't get an error. If you register with USARA ahead of time, make sure you use the same name and email address with USARA and here.
Following the race join us at the annual Oktoberfest at Red Lodge Ales for live music, German food and craft beer / cider.
We look forward to hosting you in September!
If you are arriving the morning of the race, check your email after 4pm on Sept 9. We will let you know where the race start will be and where you can check in. Sept 10 check-in will be from 6:30-7:00am
Start/Finish/Maps: The start and finish line location will be released at bib pick-up. Race specific maps will be handed out at check in.
Finishing and Rankings: Racers must cross the finish line before the cut-off time or will be penalized by 2 points per minute for the first 20 minutes. Racers finishing more than 20 minutes late will be unranked. (In other words, don’t be late!) Final rankings will be as follows: A) Teams will be ranked by total number of points acquired. B) Teams will be ranked by fastest time. C) Teams not obtaining all mandatory CPs will be unranked, regardless of time.
Stay Together: Teammates must stay within 50 meters of each other at all times
Checkpoints (CPs): Checkpoint values will vary. Checkpoints may be checked in any order, but must be completed in the correct leg (eg. you may not get biking checkpoints on foot, etc.). There will be a mix of mandatory and optional CPs.
Transition Areas: TAs are places where racers switch disciplines (e.g.bike to trek). Each TA will have snacks, Gnarly Hydration and water. Bring your own container-Whistle Pig is a cupless race. If you are moving from one discipline to another, you must check in and out at a TA. If a team does not check back in at a TA before it closes, Search and Rescue will be notified, and they will begin a search. If a team member must leave the course early, they must do so at a TA and inform a race official. Please do not go home early without letting us know!
Mandatory Gear: Mandatory gear is mandatory. There will be random gear checks on the course. There will be a time penalty for each missing piece of mandatory gear. Don’t skip anything on the mandatory gear list. Penalty for not providing required gear is 5 points per infraction.
Other Gear: Use good judgment. This is a self supported race. Be prepared for sudden and drastic weather changes, and to be out for longer than you expect.
Punch Cards: Each team will be provided with a punch card. All CPs are marked by white and orange flags. A unique punch is at each CP-punch your card in the appropriate box to show you achieved that checkpoint. If you lose your card, another may be provided, however, only the punches on the card you have at the finish will count, so get it together and don’t lose your punch card. Penalty for a miss-punched CP (i.e., CP is punched in the wrong box) and lost Punch Cards is 5 points per infraction. Pay attention when punching!
Navigation: No navigation devices that utilize satellites are allowed! No GPS or using your cell phone for anything other than taking pictures or in an absolute emergency. Bike odometers, barometric altimeters, and compasses are ok. We recommend a compass with an adjustment for magnetic declination.
Bikes: The Whistle Pig bike leg takes place on single and double track trail and possibly road, racers should have a mountain bike-a road bike will not be sufficient. Helmets must be worn at all times while on bikes and while climbing. No E-Bikes allowed or motorized forms of travel. Bikers must yield to horses and hikers. NO biking off-trail! If you need to travel with your bike off-trail, you must get off your bike and walk.
Leave No Trace: Pack it in, pack it out. Restroom facilities at the start or finish. Remember that we are guests of the Forest. The Whistle Pig Adventure Race has a special-use permit from the United States Forest Service. Please be respectful of each other and of the area. Rules and regulations exist for a reason. We want to be able to do this again next year! Future races depend on you!
Bear Safety: You are racing in bear country. The Beartooth are home to both grizzly and black bears. Although an encounter is unlikely, each team is required to carry bear spray and to know how to use it. Teams are also responsible for knowing how to travel in bear country. Take extra precautions with your food-please don’t litter or leave food behind. This protects both you and the animals in the area. Safety should be a team’s first priority-respect safe distances while in the presence of all animals.
Assistance: You are expected to be self-sufficient! Racers may not receive outside help, but are allowed to accept or give help from/to other racers. In the event of injury, racers are obligated to stop and help each other. This is a team race from start to finish. Stick together.
Trails: We do not receive special use of the trails and the area will be open to the public. We are still required to abide by all trail rules. Please yield to other trail users and say “Hi!" You must yield to horses. In the case of snow or mud (a distinct possibility), please be considerate to avoid trail damage. Please walk bikes through deep mud to avoid rutting up the trails.
Volunteers: Make sure to tell our volunteers “Thank you.” Tell them more than once.
Friends: It might be challenging to watch the race, but you are welcome to have a cheering section. Remember, they can't help out while the race is on. Please no dogs on the course.
Should you have a concern or a complaint, please reach out to a Race Director.
Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in team disqualification or time penalty.